Infuse new life, a clear vision and quick results into your business.


is safe

Outside Your Comfort Zone is where the growth happens.

What you’ve been doing up to now has worked for you, and you’re ready to take on more. You’re in that time-sucking ugly-duckling phase, where everything needs your attention right now.

in·fuse: to fill someone or something with an emotion or quality:

mo·men·tum: the force that keeps an object moving or keeps an event developing after it has started.

A growth plan needs a growth mindset. This is a time for momentum to take over the tried-and-true operations so you can bring on more without sacrificing your success. Or your family.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. By creating a big picture strategy that allows you to see how all the parts fit, you will be able to identify where the biggest impact lies.


brings change

To create a refreshed vision where you are fully thriving, you need a new perspective, a new goal, one that throws you waist-deep into a growth mindset that constantly shifts from where you are to where you want to be.

This is not about willpower; it’s about commitment.

It’s time to Infuse Momentum into your operations so your growth is consistent, if not exponential.

Let doubt be your friend

Don’t think you can do it? Instead of saying, “I can’t”, take a stance of, “What can I do to make this happen?” Use doubt as a tool to look at things differently, explore options, find the strong boards to stand on to get a better view. Then dive in.



INFUSE is a semi-private coaching program

Registration into the INFUSE program includes:

  • Two meetings a month for 4 months
  • Focus on the strategic plan, the quick win actions, the longer-term milestones to achieve your goals
  • Personalized 1:1 coaching in a small group (4 max)
  • Identification of measurements to put in place to track your progress
  • Added value from participating in the strategy sessions of the other members in the group, providing even more perspective and critical feedback


This program is for you if:

  • You’ve reached a place in your business where cloning is a necessary impossibility. You’ve maxed yourself out, and need to put systems in place to grow a team as your business grows. (Team is a very subjective term.)
  • You’ve got several startups in the works, and can’t decide which to grow, which to merge and which to let go of.
  • You’ve got a special project that requires a specific Power Team to get it off the ground.
  • You’ve run out of ideas on how to move from strive mode to thrive mode.
  • You’re looking for good, solid, objective strategic planning from someone who can see your vision for what it is.
  • You’re pretty good with being accountable, but perhaps need someone to tell you when to take breaks. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

I am for you if:

  • You are ready to make changes – big or small – in your life, so you can enjoy it more
  • You are done with stress, burnout or overwhelm that still plagues you even when things are going incredibly well
  • You are curious about exploring your mind-body connection, and a deeper meaning in your life, your business
  • You are ready to challenge long-held beliefs and habits that no longer fit
  • You are ready to incorporate new practices that bring meaning, connection and, of course, more profits
  • You find value in what I bring to the table
  • You are ready and willing to invest the time, money and energy to get there

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